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The manual presents the general principles of diagnosing diseases, which have not yet been thoroughly understood in the educational literature. The book provides algorithms for choosing diagnostic hypotheses, explains the basic concepts that are ambiguous in the medical literature. The manual will make it easier for senior medical students, clinical residents and novice doctors to master the fundamental principles of differential diagnosis. The book will help them become excellent specialists with a high general clinical culture and effectively apply their knowledge in real clinical practice.
The author's ability to reveal to the reader the essence of many incomprehensible natural phenomena in a confidential manner not only captivates, but also allows you to touch the fundamental laws of natural science. It teaches you to find answers to many questions that sometimes haunt you from childhood. The openness and accessibility of information motivates us to develop, to further search for solutions to issues that arise in our lives in one way or another. Dream, set goals, the most fantastic, think about them, strive for them and, believe me, they will definitely come true.
In 2022, Russia established the "Consortium of Higher Education Institutions for the Development of Universal Competencies", which includes the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE), ITMO University, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU), National Research Tomsk State University (NR TSU) and Tyumen State University (TyumSU). These universities have the most advanced programs for the development of universal competencies (soft skills) in students, as well as research in this area. The universities are joining forces to offer programs on skills development, measurement and assessment for Russian higher education. This book includes descriptions of the universal competence development and assessment systems of the Consortium member universities: the history and structure of the programs, best practices of formation and assessment. This book will be of interest to administrators and faculty who recognize the importance of the role of the modern university in preparing competitive graduates.
A new method of self-control of diabetes based on the results of continuous monitoring of glycemia (HMG) is especially relevant in patients who are on pump insulin therapy, especially since the start of pump insulin therapy is carried out with the mandatory installation of the HMG system [1,3]. Due to the novelty of these two methods (treatment of diabetes and control of glycemia) for a wide clinical practice, there is an urgent need to publish concise practical guides on this topic for doctors, both for self-study of these methods, and for advanced training courses. Based on the above and our experience of teaching at the Department of Endocrinology of the Federal Medical University of MONICA, this guide has been prepared, which will be useful, first of all, for endocrinologists, therapists working with patients with diabetes, as well as for senior students of medical institutes who are interested in new directions in practical medicine.
The manual presents General principles of diagnosis of diseases that have not yet been discussed in detail in the educational literature. The book provides algorithms for selecting diagnostic hypotheses, explains the basic concepts that are ambiguously interpreted in the medical literature. The manual will make it easier for senior medical students, clinical residents and novice doctors to learn the fundamental principles of differential diagnosis. The book will help them become excellent specialists with a high General clinical culture and effectively apply their knowledge in real clinical practice.
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